SMOC Turkey Hunt Score Orienteering
November 26th 2021 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Organizer: Joseph Burkhead (Event Director)
Map: Mill Lake
Opt outside for Black Friday with some flag finding!
Pre registration required; please sign up by Tuesday, November 23rd, at 8 pm to make sure we can print maps and get everything sorted before any Thursday food comas. Standard coupon codes apply: SMOCMEMBER for members, RECIPROCAL for members of other clubs, and UMARRO for UM ARRO folks.
Missed the registration deadline but still want in? If you'll pick up 20-40 minutes worth of flags after the event, you can not only race, but race for free. Email smoc.mi @ or text 734.six-five-seven-44zero8. (Response time may not be immediate given rural holiday internet and activities.)
Start is near the Gerald Eddy Discovery Center in Waterloo, Recreation Area.
Two hour time limit (unless you start after 1 pm). Start between 12 and 2, but finish by please 3 pm since it gets dark early.
Find as many flags as you can within the time limit. The most points is the winner, with ties broken by fastest time to a given point total. Lose roughly a flag per minute minute late.