Organizer: Barbara Niess May (Event Director)

Map: Maybury State Park

Mandatory pre registration - please sign up by Thursday, December 15th, 11 pm. Maps are printed and sticks assigned based on the registrations at that time. You can register late for an additional $5 until we run out of maps, or 11 pm Friday, whichever is sooner.

Registrations are per "start", which can be a solo or a group. If registering a group, sign up one person and pick your extra map quantity, and do electronic waivers for the +1s here

Two hours of zany flag finding fun at Maybury State Park.

Mass start: Check in @ 10:30 for a 25 minutes of planning before assembling at 10:55 for the 11:00 am start.

Find as many of the flags as you can within the time limit - be nice and finish before the buzzer, or the naughty list subtracts one flag per minute.

There may be various shenanigans - in the past checkpoints have wandered about, there are white out sections on the map, or maybe a puzzle to solve.

It'll be fun whether dry or snowy! We've had both!

Michigan Recreation Passport required for entry - check the box when you renew your license plate, or visit a self-serve kiosk on your way in.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun4923 (all one word)