Highland/Spring Mill
April 26th 2015 12:00pm

Five courses in the twisty trails and tricky contours of Highland Recreation Area. Experts who misplace themselves will struggle to determine which swamp or trail bend is which. Beginners will enjoy more elevation change than usual with lots of topography and terrain to study on the way. Presented by Tony Misovski and Rick Waldo.
Find checkpoints (orange and white flags) using a map and compass.
Instructions available. Beginners welcome! Compass rental available.
Mountain biker? Bring your bike for afterwards and enjoy one of the Southeast Michigan's finest trail systems.
Beginner courses are mostly on trail, taking an hour or hour and a half. Intermediate course is mostly off trail, taking an hour (accurate running) or two-ish hours (hiking). Advanced courses can be finished in just over an hour if running fast without mistakes, or three hours hiking with a few mistakes.
$10 per person or group ($5 with $15 annual membership)
Start any time between 12 pm and 2 pm, but please note the courses may start to come down after 3 pm, so please plan accordingly or adjust to an easier/shorter course if you arrive later.