Pontiac Lake Map information
Map standard | ISOM2000 |
Events on map | 3 |
Pontiac Lake features world-class orienteering terrain that has been used before for national-level races and OUSA team trials.
Signature at PLRA are large areas devoid of trails but rife with complicated topography. Letting your guard down may turn a 2 minute leg into a 20 minute leg as relocation can be very difficult, as your brain will convince you that whatever small depression you are standing at is the one you think you should be at on your map.
Getting between these sections is not a freebie either - route choices over the middle feature trade offs between long circular flattish routes or very jumbled trail mazes with lots of climb - which can you do faster?
PLRA has used multiple starting locations - Pontiac Lake Beach, the campgrounds, and the former riding stables. Please check event notes shortly before to confirm.
Map image
No map image available.Events on this map
Series | Date |
Pontiac Lake | Apr 13, 2014 |
SMOC Pontiac Lake | Oct 15, 2016 |
2019 SMOC Night Owl | Dec 14, 2019 |