SMOC Maybury Mayhem
December 18th 2021 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Organizers: Barbara Niess May (Event Director), Angel Simpson (Event Director)
Map: Maybury State Park
End of season shenanigans with map trickery, candy canes, Wayne County peak bagging, and who knows what else!
Pre registration required; please sign up by Friday, December 17th, at 6 am, to ensure we get a map ready for you. Standard coupon codes apply: SMOCMEMBER for SMOC Members (sign up here, RECIPROCAL for members of other OUSA clubs, and UMARRO for UM ARRO members.
Want to race for free? Volunteer to pick up some flags afterwards (loops range from 20-40 minutes; the more the merrier). Contact us for a coupon code.
What it is:
Two hours of any order, as many as you like flag finding, using a detailed topographical map. Compasses encouraged; gps / phones not allowed except for tracking purposes and pictures. There are sure to be twists. Previous mischief included: bonus flags whose location is revealed by a map on a nearby flag, flags on bearings, white out map zones, moving checkpoints attached to kids who are much faster than you expect them to be.
11:00 am Check in / Beginner Lesson
11:30 am Maps distributed
12:00 pm Mass start
14:00 pm Mass finish
14:00:01 pm Penalties ensue; lose 50 points per partial minute (example given: 14:02:01 = -150 points). This is roughly a flag per minute!
Technical notes on the mass start format:
Unlike almost all of our events, for THIS SPECIFIC MASS START EVENT, you do not need to punch start. Normally, you should expect to clear/check and then when ready, punch start, but for this we will have a start time of noon programmed in for you already. Be sure to punch finish when you get back!
What to wear/bring:
There is a good chance it will be cold, so layers, hats and gloves. Spare shoes / socks to change into for the drive home - there are wet spots here and there, definitely optional if you are not planning to clear the course. There are occasionally prickers and burrs, usually optional as well. There may not be water on the course since it would freeze anyway.