SMOC Pontiac Lake
October 15th 2016 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Organizers: Jens Christiansen (Course Planner), Barbara Niess May (Event Director), Ken Lemieux (Coach)
Map: Pontiac Lake
Explore the fantastic terrain of Pontiac Lake Recreation area using a map and a compass. Participate as a casual family or friendly hike, or race for the win - you choose! All types of skill levels and competitiveness enjoy orienteering events.
Beginner lesson offered - please sign up for planning purposes.
White: Good for first timers or as a warm up, checkpoints are on trails and introduce map reading. If white isn't enough of a challenge, exchange for yellow for free.
Yellow: Points are near trails or near significantly large marshes. You may be tempted to take some off-trail shortcuts.
Orange: Cross-country navigating between larger features, ranging from slightly harder than yellow to not quite as hard as red....but close on one or two.
Green: Cross-country navigating through detailed terrain to small land forms
Red: Green but longer. Be prepared for lengthy legs. Two water stops available, but it still might be a while in between - consider bringing your own if you like.
Meet at the former horse stables, which is between the normal campgrounds and the horse campground. Pit facilities available at the stables.
Course notes: Jens is a delicate fragile flower, thus "most" legs feature little rough vegetation and largely use the most runnable woods available. Visibility is not yet at full late autumn levels, so the tricky areas are trickier than they will be in a month. You are strongly encouraged to visit the circle center rather than trolling from above.