SMOC Silver Lake
April 23rd 2017 12:00pm
Course Maps
No course maps posted yet.
Jess and Karl hosting. Notes:
Jess's notes on Sunday's Pinckney Rec event ( ):
This will be a traditional point to point event, with red, green, orange, yellow, white and training. The Silver Lake map was updated last year with correct vegetation, and the new map shows most trails and features well.
This is the most beautiful time of year for Michigan outdoors, with spectacular views and spring wildflowers. Hepatica is all over, blood root is just finishing up, and skunk cabbage leaves are 6inch tall. Sparrows are back, and we are just before peak spring migration for warblers.
Red 6.8 Km and Green 5.4 Km have long stretches using off trail navigation. The woods are still 75% open, and this is a park made up of hilly moraines and open woods. Orange 3.9 km has both trail legs and large handrail off trail parts. Yellow 3km is mostly short trips away from trails, but does include a 3 flag section of navigation from swamp tip to swamp tip to hilltop before returning to a trail.
There will be two short courses, training and white designed for beginners and scouts. Sign up for the beginner lesson at
Long pants and long sleeves are recommended Bring or rent a compass.
Please contact Jess Franklin at 734-429-1zero57 (leave message) or preregister at if you are coming with a large group to help with map printing counts and more importantly, snack counts.