
Map standardISOM2000
Events on map8


Pinckney Recreation Area East

Silver Lake is home to many things:

  • Regionally loved Poto mountain bike trail
  • Park headquarters
  • Popular Silver Lake Beach

The terrain is well-suited to orienteering. Frequently offering the choice between straight challenging cross country navigation or long trail choices around, the many swamps and big hills have sent navigators off the wrong direction for dozens of minutes. Can you string together the saddles and swamps to successfully find your flags?

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Events on this map

Series Date
SMOC Microgaine Winter Edition Dec 6, 2014
SMOC Silver Lake Mar 31, 2018
SMOC Night Orienteering Oct 27, 2018
SMOC Silver Lake Apr 14, 2019
SMOC Pinckney Rec Nov 10, 2019
SMOC Silver Lake Oct 9, 2022
SMOC February Freez-O Feb 24, 2024
2024 SMOC Silver Lake (Pickney Rec) (Tentative) Oct 6, 2024
