SMOC Chilson
November 7th 2021 12:00pm - 3:00pm

Map: Chilson Impoundment
Traditional point to point courses in some of the finest terrain in the midwest, likely with updated map detail, in the western half of Brighton Recreation Area.
New to orienteering? Here is an explanation video. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email or text (7 three 4-6 five 7-44 zero 8)
Pre registration is required; sign up by Friday, November 5, 8 pm, to ensure a map for the Sunday event!! Coupon codes: SMOC Members can use SMOCMEMBER. Affiliates clubs (OCIN, CAOC, etc.) can use RECIPROCAL. UM-ARRO folks can use UMARRO.
+1s / Team Members should complete our electronic waiver here:
Beginner lesson offered; sign up as part of your registration. Check in around 11, start is promptly at 11:15, lesson is about 30 minutes, and will teach you about some basic map concepts and how to move around a white / yellow course, and what to look for along the way.
Free race slots available. Email for coupon code if you are interested in the following helper assignments.
Beginner Lesson (1 remaining)
Check in (1 remaining)
Flag Pick Up (5 remaining)
Event Schedule:
11:00 Beginner lesson check in
11:15 Beginner lesson starts
11:xx Probably can start early, just not 100% guaranteed
12:00 You can for sure start now
2:00 No more starts after this time. If you aren't super speedy and tackling a longer course, you will want to start before 2!
3:00 Flag pickup begins - any time after 3:00, flags might not be there anymore; please make every effort to be back by then.
Course descriptions (or try the visual guide on Facebook - login not required)
White / Beginner / Training / Warm up: These are generally 1-2 kilometers (about a mile). The flags are usually on trail junctions and guide you on a short loop. If you've never done it before, this is a good place to start. If it's too easy, we can upgrade you to Yellow / Intermediate right afterwards, so there's no penalty for selecting this option. Takes about 45 minutes to walk.
Yellow / Intermediate: These are usually 2-4 kilometers. You'll need to be able to negotiate trail junctions without hints, and the flags are usually just off trail on a feature. Usually you can see them from the trail, although sometimes you have to be alert. Takes about 60-90 minutes to walk.
Orange / Advanced: These are usually 4-6 kilometers. The points will now show up more often a ways off trail, but usually on major features, or with larger items to guide you to the correct spot, and hopefully with some nice backstops (trail, stream, lake) to stop you from overshooting. Walking takes 90-120 minutes.
Green / Expert: These are also usually 4-6 kilometers. The points are as technically difficult as the venue allows - small features in the most complicated areas far away from trails or major terrain features, with substantial route choice. While you might be able to bang out a neighborhood 5k in 20-30 minutes, even running most people are over 90 minutes, and walking takes 120-150 minutes.
Red / Expert Long: These are usually 6-8 kilometers. It is the same technically difficulty as Green, but just with extra distance. Finding these small features will take easily over two hours walking, usually closer to 3 is hours with a mistake or two.
Chilson courses:
White/Beginner: | 2.1km, | 7 checkpoints |
Yellow/Intermediate: | 3.5km, | 10 checkpoints |
Orange/Advanced: | 4.1km, | 9 checkpoints |
Green/Expert: | 4.5km, | 11 checkpoints |
Red/Expert Long: | 6.4km, | 14 checkpoints |
What should you wear / bring:
If you are new, it's hard to go wrong with long sleeves, long pants, and comfortable trail running or hiking shoes. A change of shoes is nice to have on the Advanced and Expert courses, as it's not unusual to get wet feet along the way. Bug spray or sunscreen can be nice. A snack and water are not a bad idea if you expect to be out for a while. We have loaner compasses if you don't have one.
Do you want to see where you went? Record your track on a GPS watch like a Garmin, or run an app like LiveLox or Strava and sync to Strava to compare with everyone else. It's a lot of fun to see what other people did and where you did well and things didn't go so well. If you sign up for an account, use the LiveLox option for which system. SMOC members can get a paid account if they choose.
We charge per "start", which is a group. $5 for members, $10 for non members. Membership can be taken care of here:
Electronic Timing:
We use electronic timing most of the time. You'll get a punch stick (don't lose it! replacement cost is $40). Before racing, you'll dip the stick into a blue clear box that erases all of the old timing information. Then you'll dip it into a blue check box that ensures it's ready to go. Then, when you are ready to start, hit the start box to record your start time, flip over your map, and find some flags! At each flag, dip the stick in until it beeps or flashes, then continue on your way. When you get back, punch the finish punch, then follow the directions to get your results downloaded to the timing computer (usually a box or two). Be sure to turn in your stick if you borrow one from us.
Most of our events are Michigan DNR state parks or recreation areas. To park at these venues, you need to either have checked the recreation passport on your license plate renewal (about $12/year and one of the best recreation bargains around!), or you can pay at a self-registration station somewhere in the park - usually headquarters or popular trailheads have them.
Rain or shine or snow:
We rarely cancel, so expect the event to run whether it's beautiful or miserable. You'll have a great time either way!